Saturday, August 31, 2024

Which Indiana party is the right-wing, again?

I got a newsletter from Indiana Democrats this week. Mostly it consisted of links to the right-wing social media site X, which leads me to believe that the choices in the state that we have consists of the hard-right-wing Republicans and the slightly-less-right-wing Democrats. Here are some highlights:

  • Former Republican and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick has a plan for cutting property taxes. As far as it goes, it's apparently a good one, but why is it in Indiana the only thing we can find to do to help people is to cut taxes?  
  • A chastising comment towards Todd Rokita for flying around the state: "Maybe it’s time to get on the road, Todd and see our state from the same place working Hoosiers do: the highways and county roads." Or hey, Democrats, maybe you should be supporting high-speed rail and public transit. Your highways are in no small part responsible for the out-of-control global warming we're feeling.
  • Representative AndrĂ© Carson supports a bill for EV charging stations in disadvantaged neighborhoods, commenting that "EVs are the future of our nation’s infrastructure". Wrong, Congressman. The kids in your disadvantaged neighborhoods will still be breathing microplastic tire wear from ultraheavy electric vehicles. Your district needs bike lanes, walking trails, and more buses.
  • State Rep Victoria Garcia Wilburn suggests gun owners do a better job securing their weapons. OK, but not allowing people under 21 to buy guns would work even better. How about we work on that?

A lot of people don't ever vote because "The parties are all the same anyway". Based on what appear to be Democratic priorities, I don't necessarily disagree. Maybe if the Democrats could focus on things like feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and getting rid of medical debt they would find more people would vote for them.

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